Structure Synthesis of Linear Microstrip Phased Antenna Arrays
The structure synthesis of linear microstrip phased antenna arrays of rectangular emitters is made with the mutual coupling between their elements taken into account. The characteristics of the arrays with the optimal parameters, primarily concerning the direction pattern and the range of scanning angles, are investigated. The influence of the dielectric coverage on the characteristics of such antenna arrays is studied.
Full Text:
Селезнев Д.Г. Конструктивный синтез линейных микрополосковых фазированных антенных решеток / Д.Г. Селезнев, И.И. Резник, А.Д. Селезнев // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2005. — Т. 10, № 2. — С. 150-157.

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