Optimisation of Radiation Characteristics of Electrically Lengthy Longitudinal Slots in the Narrow Wall of Rectangular Waveguide
The radiation patterns, directive gains, gain factors and frequency behavior of electrically lengthy longitudinal slots cut in a finitely thick narrow wall of rectangular waveguide are investigated by the generalized method of induced magnetomotive forces. The dependencies of slot antenna radiation patterns are studied against geometrical sizes of slot radiators and inductivities of the dielectrics filling the slot space and the free half-space. The single-mode and multimode behavior of a waveguide has been calculated.
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Катрич В.А. Оптимизация характеристик излучения электрически длинных продольных щелей в узкой стенке прямоугольного волновода / В.А. Катрич, В.А. Лященко, С.Л. Бердник, С.В. Пшеничная // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2004. — Т. 9, № 4. — С. 439-448.

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