Morphological Differences in Radio-Images of Cloudy and Land Covers in the Millimetre Wave Band
The morphology of contrast formations of cloud and land fields on satellite images taken in the 3-mm waveband is studied with the offered thermal image processing technique and a purpose-developed algorithmic software. The statistical parameters of detected systematic differences in group orientation of elements of the scene can be used as an a priori information in development of new approaches to processing and restoring environmental parameters from the aerospace remote sensing data.
Full Text:
Герасимов Ю.М. Морфологические отличия радиоизображений облачного покрова и поверхности суши в миллиметровом диапазоне волн / Ю.М. Герасимов, Н.В. Руженцев //
Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2004. — Т. 9, № 4. — С. 448-458.

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