Spectral Features of HF Signals from the EISCAT Heating Facility in Europe and in Antarctica

A. V. Zalizovski, S. B. Kascheev, Yu. M. Yampolski, V. G. Galushko, V. S. Beley, B. Isham, M. T. Rietveld, A. Brekke, N. F. Blagoveshenskaya, V. A. Kornienko


Analysis is presented of the propagation of signals from the Tromsø heating facility that have been received during the international measuring campaign of 26-30 October, 2002 at three sites in Europe and in Antarctica. Two components with different characteristics (“mirror reflected” and “scattered”) were observed in the signal spectra. Their nature is explained. The variations in the signal intensity as well as in the Doppler frequency shift recorded at the widely separated sites show a high level of correlation. It is shown that the Doppler frequency variations can be associated with physical velocities of motion inside the scattering volume and/or with variations of plasma density in the underlying region. The spatial structure of drifts of the plasma irregularities is reсonstructed.

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Зализовский А.В. Спектральные особенности КВ сигнала нагревного стенда EISCAT в Европе и Антарктике / А.В. Зализовский, С.Б. Кащеев, Ю.М. Ямпольский, В.Г. Галушко, В.С. Белей, Б. Айшем, М.Т. Ритвелд, С. Ла Хоз, А. Брекке, Н.Ф. Благовещенская, В.А. Корниенко // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2004. — Т. 9, № 3. — С. 261-274.

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