Method of Discrete Singularities in 2-D Modeling of Reflector Antennas
Considered is the E-polarized beam wave scattering by a finite-size cross-section of a perfectly conducting parabolic cylinder. The incident field has the form of a complex-argument Hankel function of the zeroth order and provides a convenient simulation of directive feed of a real-life reflector antenna. The current induced on the reflector surface is found merely from a singular integral equation of first kind. This allows to study front-fed and offset parabolic reflectors with the method of discrete singularities. The developed discrete mathematical model allows shaping the near and far fields, as well as the directivity patterns for different reflectors.
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Носич А.А. Метод дискретных особенностей в двумерных моделях зеркальных антенн / А.А. Носич // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2004. — Т. 9, № 3. — С. 286-295.

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