Generation of Electromagnetic Coupling Structure Functions for Rectangular Waveguides Containing Resonant Magnetodielectric Spheres
A mode of generation of structure functions of electromagnetic coupling of a system of resonant magnetodielectric spheres with a rectangular waveguide is considered. The expressions for waveguide tensor functions of electromagnetic (electric and magnetic modes) coupling for a system of spheres in a waveguide is obtained. The obtained expressions have been analyzed.
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Козарь А.И. Построение структурных функций электромагнитного взаимодействия для волноводов, содержащих резонансные магнитодиэлектрические сферы / А.И. Козарь // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2004. — Т. 9, № 2. — С. 172-183.

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