Phenomenon of the Resonance Power Absorption in Multimode Waveguide-Dielectric Resonators
Based on exact numerical and adequate qualitative models a theory of the resonance power absorption in waveguide-dielectric resonators is developed. The phenomenon of total absorption has been found for the TE10-mode incident on a rectangular lossy-dielectric post in a rectangular waveguide at the frequency close to the degeneration frequency of the two higher-order natural oscillations of the post with different symmetry and comparable Q-factors.
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Минакова Л.Б. Эффект резонансного поглощения энергии в многомодовых волноводно-диэлектрических резонаторах / Л.Б. Минакова, Л.А. Рудь // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2004. — Т. 9, № 2. — С. 183-188.

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