Investigating the Millimeter-Wave Thermal Emission of Wheat anopy for Remote Sensing Applications
The Ka-band measured thermal features of crop canopy, such as seasonal, angular and polarization dependencies, and also linear attenuation of the winter wheat canopy are presented. The phenomenon of polarization inversion has been noticed which consists in that the wheat canopy full of ears shows its brightness temperature slightly higher at H-polarization than at V-polarization. The potential of multichannel sensing a thermal emission of vegetation cover for measuring its biometrical parameters is shown.
Full Text:
Малышенко Ю.И. Исследование радиотеплового излучения пшеничного массива в миллиметровом диапазоне радиоволн применительно к задачам дистанционного зондирования / Ю.И. Малышенко, А.Н. Роенко // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2003. — Т. 8, № 4. — С. 357-369.

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