Measurement of the Laser Impulse Parameters of Gauss Beam with Thin-Wire Bolometers
A method of measuring the laser impulse parameters of Gauss beam with three vertical and three horizontal thin-wire bolometers placed on the same beam profile – being some outside the main beam intensity – is argued. The method allows determining the coordinates of a beam energy centre, its root-mean square radius, the magnitude of an angle of a linear polarization direction and the laser energy. The measured radiation parameters have been analyzed metrologically.
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Кузьмичев В.М. Измерение параметров импульса гауссова пучка лазера тонкопроволочными болометрами / В.М. Кузьмичев, С.В. Погорелов // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2003. — Т. 8, № 4. — С. 369-375.

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