Microstrip Double-Periodic Grating of Continuous Curvilinear Metal Strips as a High-Impedance Surface
The frequency dependence of the phase reflectance of a microstrip grating of wavy strips is investigated using the method of moments. The possibility of utilizing the structure as a high-impedance surface is demonstrated. The influence of strip shape and of variation of parameters of dielectric substrate on frequency characteristics is analyzed for normal wave incidence. The possibility of electronic control of grating characteristics is shown.
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Младенов П.Л. Микрополосковая двухпериодическая решетка из непрерывных криволинейных металлических лент как высокоимпедансная поверхность / П.Л. Младенов, С.Л. Просвирнин // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2003. — Т. 8, № 4. — С. 375-383.

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