Peculiarities of HEMT Ultra-Low-Noise Amplifier Implementation at Non-Сryogenic Сooling Level
In the present work, the conditions are evaluated and experimental verification is made of the possibility to implement the ultra-low-noise L-band amplifier under moderate (non-cryogenic) cooling. Noise temperatures of about 10 and 15 K were obtained for –50 and –100 Celsius ambient temperatures respectively (the called as Peltier cooling level). First of all, this was due to using the Q-metering of the input matching circuit elements.
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Королев А.М. Особенности реализации сверхмалошумящего HEMT-усилителя при некриогенном уровне охлаждения / А.М. Королев, В.М. Шульга // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2003. — Т. 8, № 4. — С. 429-437.

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