Comparison of Experimental and Model Values of Total Electron Content in Ionosphere over Eastern Europe
The total electron content in the ionosphere obtained from the measurements of satellite signals at the Radiophysical Observatory of the Kharkiv National V. Karazin University is compared with the values calculated within the framework of global empirical ionospheric models. It is shown that the models under consideration reflect insufficiently the spatial and temporal variations of ionospheric parameters above territory of the East Europe. For an analysis of state of the ionosphere the data of the Kharkiv incoherent scatter radar are used. The factors that mainly influence the accuracy of the models and possible ways of taking them into account are considered.
Full Text:
Захаров И.Г. Сравнение экспериментальных и модельных значений полного электронного содержания в ионосфере над Восточной Европой / И.Г. Захаров, М.В. Ляшенко // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2003. — Т. 8, № 3. — С. 280-287.

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