Sea Radar Backscattering Intensity for Small Grazing Angles
An analysis of sea backscattering models in frequency band of 1ё150 GHz is carried out. The dependences of the sea surface normalized radar cross-section (RCS) on the grazing angle and wind velocity are discussed. The influence of drop-spray fraction on the total RCS and scattering signal fluctuations for the millimeter band of radio waves is analyzed.
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Гутник В.Г. Интенсивность радиолокационных отражений от взволнованной морской поверхности при малых углах скольжения / В.Г. Гутник, Г.П. Кулемин, Л.И. Шарапов, Е.А. Горошко // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2003. — Т. 8, № 2. — С. 181-190.

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