A Schottky diode frequency tripler for the 3-mm receiver system designed for observation of ozone and carbon monoxide spectral lines at frequencies 110.836 and 115.271 GHz, respectively, is developed. The used varactor parameters are investigated and its limiting values of frequency tripling efficiency in the 3-mm wavelengths calculated. A design of the multiplier, which allows to realize close to the calculated levels of frequency conversion efficiency is proposed. The characteristics of the developed multiplier are investigated within the frequency range 109-136 GHz. The output power of 8 mW is obtained at 132 GHz with about 62 mW pumping power. The tripler efficiency, output power and operating current at the desired frequency for atmospheric receiver of 112.5 GHz were measured. The highest efficiency (18 %) has been realized at this frequency with 15 mW input power. The values of the input power, operating current and reverse bias of the developed frequency tripler required for optimal receiver performance for observation of the emission lines of atmospheric gases have been determined.
Key words: frequency tripler, receiver for investigation of atmospheric gases, frequency tripling efficiency, input power, output power
Manuscript submitted 07.08.2014
Radio phys. radio astron. 2015, 20(1): 86-93
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