PACS number: 95.55.-Jz
Purpose: Technical capabilities of the MARK-4B antenna system necessary for its further using as a 32-meter radiotelescope (RT-32) and making simultaneous spectral radioastronomical observations in the C and K frequency ranges, are investigated.
Design/methodology/approach:The studies use the results of our own measurements made with the МАRK-4В antenna system, expert reviews, open information sources, technical documentation of the MARK-4B antenna system, radio astronomy and computer simulation methods and comparative analysis of this antenna main parameters with the corresponding parameters of the world’s best active radio telescopes. Combining different approaches allows us to determine the requirements for the receiving system, parameters of the spectrometer, calibration techniques and optimize the МАRK-4В antenna system modernization procedure.
Findings: The radio telescope main parameters required for spectral observations in the C and K frequency ranges are determined. The antenna pointing system capabilities are specified. For the MARK-4B antenna system working frequency range, the main spectral lines of various molecules available for research have been considered. The transitions radiating the most intensive spectral lines are listed. The radio astronomical problems that can be solved using the MARK-4B in the mode of spectral observations are formulated. The required parameters of the spectrum analyzer and the receiver’s self-noise temperature are determined. Calibration techniques of the recorded signal are described, which are necessary for carrying out spectral observations.
Conclusions: The here presented studies show that for making spectral observations based on the beam-waveguide MARK-4B antenna system, it is technically possible to create the RT-32 radio telescope with quality technical characteristics corresponding to the world-best analogs. Modernization of the beamwaveguide MARK-4B antenna system will allow at the first stage to create in Ukraine the dual-band radio-telescope permitting to make simultaneous spectral and/or continued observations in the C and K ranges. Henceforth, the amount of simultaneously working ranges can be increased.
Key words: antenna, calibration, masers, MARK-4B, receiving system, polarization, radio source, radio telescope, spectrum analyzer
Manuscript submitted 18.07.2019
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