Subject and Purpose. Considered in the paper is diffraction of a plane wave by a structure involving a half-plane and two disks. The disks and the half-plane, lying within parallel planes, are assumed to be infinitely thin and perfectly conducting. The problem is to be analyzed for two cases, namely for that of both disks located on the same side with respect to the half-plane, and for the other where they are placed on opposite sides against the half-plane. The purpose of the paper is to develop a suitable operator method for performing the analysis of the structure described.
Methods and Methodology. The solution to the problem has been sought for within the operator method suggested. The electric field components tangential to the half-plane and the disks are expressed, with the aid of Fourier integrals, via some unknown functions having the sense of amplitudes. The unknown amplitudes shall obey the operator equations formulated in terms of wave scattering operators for individual disks and the sole half-plane.
Results. When subjected to certain transformations, the operator equations allow obtaining integral equations relative amplitudes of the spherical waves involved. The integral equations permit investigating scattered wave fields for the cases where the disks stay in the shadow region behind the half-plane or in the penumbra, or else in the region which is illuminated by the incident wave. As has been shown, in the case of plane wave scattering at the edge of the half-plane the resulting cylindrical waves possess non-zero amplitudes even with the disks placed totally in the shadow region, hence not illuminated by the incident plane wave.
Conclusions. Making use of an operator method, an original solution has been obtained for the problem of plane wave diffraction by a structure consisting of a perfectly conducting, infinitely thin half-plane and two disks. The operator equations of the problem have been shown to be reducible to integral equations, further solvable numerically with the use of discretization based on quadrature rules. The behavior of far and near fields relative to the disks has been studied for a variety of values of the disk radii and their positions relative to the half-plane.
Keywords: half-plane, disk, operator method, diffraction, integral equations
Manuscript submitted 25.04.2022
Radio phys. radio astron. 2022, 27(3):167-180
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