Search of “weekend effect” in the intensity of natural vlf noise variations

A. V. Paznukhov, Yu. M. Yampolski, Y. M. Zanimonskiy, A. V. Soina


A review of papers that cover investigation of weekly cycle in different parameters of the environment is made. Present investigations are systematized subject to the terrain for which calculations were provided and to parameters for which weekly cycle discovered. Weekly variations of air temperature, atmospheric pressure, number of earthquakes, concentration of troposphere ozone, number of wildfires and other parameters are investigated. Seven-day variations in a power of ELF noise are investigated employing the data received from Ukrainian Antarctic Station “Akademik Vernadsky” and Low Frequency Observatory of the Institute of Radio Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Martove (Ukraine). A hypothesis that explains probable influence of anthropogenic activity to the global thunderstorm activity is offerred.

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Пазнухов А.В. Поиск "уикенд эффекта" в вариациях интенсивности природных СНЧ шумов / А.В. Пазнухов, Ю.М. Ямпольский, Е.М. Занимонский, А.В. Соина // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2012. — Т. 17, № 1. — С. 67-74.

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