On Relativistic Charged Particle Radiation in a Curved Magnetic Field: Undulator- Curvature Radiation
The spectral-angular and spectral radiation distributions of an ultrarelativistic charged particle moving along a spiral curved trajectory have been obtained for the case when the contribution to radiation occurs from many revolutions of the particle round a drift trajectory. Curvature radiation is linearly polarized, undulator radiation has circular polarization. The influence of curvature of magnetic lines on polarization of undulator radiation is investigated. The suggestion has been made that the undulator radiation mechanism can be realized in a pulsar magnetosphere.
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Соболев Я.М. К теории излучения релятивистской заряженной частицы в искривленном магнитном поле: ондуляторно-изгибное излучение / Я.М. Соболев // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2011. — Т. 16, № 4. — С. 355-366.

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