Scintillations of Radio Source 4C21.53 at Decameter Wavelengths and Elongations 43° −138°
The statistical quantities of interplanetary scintillations at decameter wavelengths (scintillation index, power spectrum, cross-correlation function, probability density function) for the strong and weak scattering cases are estimated by analyzing the observations of 4C21.53 radio source scintillations. The obtained results can be used to test the models applied for analyzing IPS data at decameter wavelengths. The high efficiency of the DSP-z wideband digital spectrum analyzer for IPS observations at decameter wavelengths is shown.
Full Text:
Калиниченко Н.Н. Мерцания космического радиоисточника 4С21.53 в декаметровом диапазоне волн на элонгациях 43° −138° / Н.Н. Калиниченко // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2011. — Т. 16, № 4. — С. 386-394.

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