Unsaturated Regime as Alternative Method to Provide Stability of Low-Noise Amplifier on High-Electron-Mobility Transistors
The new method to provide the stability of lownoise HEMT-based amplifiers is proposed. The method is based on a purposeful choice of the DC regime in the unsaturated (ohmic) zone of voltagecurrent characteristic. Stability, first of all that outof- band, rises without degradation of noise characteristic. In support of the offered method efficiency, the results of examination of amplifiers on different transistors are brought.
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Королев А.М. Ненасыщенный режим как альтернативный метод обеспечения устойчивости малошумящих усилителей на полевых транзисторных гетероструктурах / А.М. Королев, В.М. Шульга // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2011. — Т. 16, № 4. — С. 433-443.

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