Microwave Spectrometer of Rydberg State Atoms
A new spectrometer designed for investigation of microwave spectra of Rydberg state atoms is described. The spectrometer provides an accuracy of transition frequencies measurements about ±0.05 MHz. Results of test measurements of some microwave transitions between Rydberg states of cesium atom are presented.
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Дюбко С.Ф. Микроволновый спектрометр атомов в ридберговских состояниях / С.Ф. Дюбко, Н.Л. Погребняк, Е.А. Алексеев, И.И. Рябцев, А.С. Куценко // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2011. — Т. 16, № 2. — С. 198-209.

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