Diffraction of the H10-Mode on a Transverse Slot Cut in a Wide Wall of Rectangular Waveguide with a Dielectric Insertion of Finite Length
The H10-mode scattering on a narrow transverse slot positioned over a dielectric insertion of finite length completely filling the cross section of a rectangular waveguide has been solved. The magnetic field, excited by the slot in the dielectric insert immediately under the slot, was determined by means of the eigenwave method and dyadic Green’s function. Energy parameters of the slotted- guide radiator were numerically investigated. The mathematical model under consideration has been validated by comparison of the test calculations using this model versus the data obtained with commercial software. The possibility to provide the radiation efficiency of the slotted-guide radiator around 100 % is shown.
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Яцук Л.П. Дифракция волны типа H10 на поперечной щели в широкой стенке прямоугольного волновода с локальным диэлектрическим включением / Л.П. Яцук, Д.Ю. Пенкин // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2010. — Т. 15, № 4. — С.

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