Ozonosphere as a Shield of the Troposphere-to-Ionosphere Energy
The impact of the ozone layer over the Antarctic Peninsula on the statistical correlation between the tropospheric weather and ionospheric spread-F phenomenon is investigated. The data obtained at the Akademik Vernadsky Station from 1995 through 2004 on the days of the ozone hole development (from 11 September till 5 October) are used. It has been found that under low ozone conditions (less than 180 D. U.) the conditional probability of the spread-F appearance increases in the presence of atmospheric fronts and reduces when they are absent. Under high ozone conditions (more than 180 D. U.), statistical relationship between frontal activity and spread-F phenomenon disappears, i. e. the ozone layer becomes in a sense a shield of troposphere-to-ionosphere energy transfer. Apparently, a reason for this is increasing of stratospheric temperature and vertical temperature gradients of middle atmosphere under high ozone conditions, which worsens the conditions for atmospheric gravity wave propagation.
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Зализовский А.В. Озоносфера как экран тропосферно-ионосферного взаимодействия / А.В. Зализовский // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2010. — Т. 15, № 1. — С. 15-24.

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