First Results of the Dispersion Analysis of the Interplanetary Scintillations at Decameter Wavelengths

I. S. Falkovich, O. O. Konovalenko, N. N. Kalinichenko, M. R. Olyak, A. A. Gridin, I. N. Bubnov, A. I. Brazhenko, A. Lecacheux, H. O. Rucker


The potentialities of the dispersion analysis in investigating the interplanetary scintillations registered in the two points (UTR-2 and URAN-2) are discussed. The joint analysis of the frequency dependence of the velocity of their cross-spectrum harmonics and their power spectra allows to determine the main parameters of the interplanetary plasma along the line of sight. If the multi-layer model of the medium is used, the thicknesses of the layers, their densities, velocities, as well as indices of the spatial spectrum and the inner scales of the turbulence can be obtained.

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Фалькович И.С. Первые результаты дисперсионного анализа межпланетных мерцаний в декаметровом диапазоне длин волн / И.С. Фалькович, А.А. Коноваленко, Н.Н. Калиниченко, М.Р. Ольяк, А.А. Гридин, И.Н. Бубнов, А.И. Браженко, А. Лекашо, Х.О. Рукер // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2007. — Т. 12, № 4. — С. 350-357.

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