Pulse shape transformation under bragg structures irradiation
The transformation of the shape of pulse reflected and transmitted by Bragg mirrors, resonators, and structures with chirp variation of thickness of the “period” is considered for the condition when the carrier frequency is in the vicinity of the Bragg resonance frequency. Integral and differential estimates of the delay time have been compared. The coefficients of skewness and kurtosis were calculated for the reflected and transmitted pulses of various duration versus carrier frequency position within the Bragg reflection band. The conditions for the appearance of negative time delay of mass center of the reflected pulse have been determined. The values of group delay for layered structures with a small chirp variation of optical (electrical) thickness of the period along longitudinal coordinates have been experimentally obtained.
Full Text:
Борулько В.Ф. Преобразование формы импульсов при падении на брэгговские структуры / В.Ф. Борулько, О.О. Дробахин, Д.В. Сидоров // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2012. — Т. 17, № 3. — С. 253-264.

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