The Near-Zone Field and Polarization Characteristics of the System of Crossed Impedance Vibrators in a Semi-Infinite Lossy Medium
The possibility to create the radiation field of circular (elliptic) polarization by a system of crossed vibrators of equal geometrical dimension and different surface impedances located in the material medium over the perfectly conducting plane is shown. The spatial distribution of the near-zone field and polarization characteristics has been calculated and is shown graphically vs. the medium parameters and the vibrators’ surface impedances.
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Нестеренко М.В. Поле в ближней зоне и поляризационные характеристики системы скрещенных импедансных вибраторов в полубесконечной среде с потерями / М.В. Нестеренко, В.А. Катрич, В.М. Дахов // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2006. — Т. 11, № 3. — С. 254-264.

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