Microstrip Antenna Arrays with Dielectric Covering
The technique of investigations is developed and calculations of radiation characteristics are performed for the antenna arrays of rectangular radiators with dielectric covering. The influence of dielectric covering on the antenna characteristics is studied. For the linear grating the effect of significant narrowing of antenna pattern in the E-plane and its widening in the H-plane is detected. The possibility of constructive synthesis of microstrip antenna arrays with dielectric cover is shown.
Full Text:
Селезнев Д.Г. Микрополосковые антенные решетки с диэлектрическим покрытием / Д.Г. Селезнев, И.И. Резник, А.Д. Селезнев // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2005. — Т. 10, № 1. — С. 85-92.

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