Transformation of Electromagnetic Field Polarization by Flat Two-Element Screen of Finite Thickness Perforated by Waveguide Channels of Rectangular Cross-Section
Frequency behavior and polarization patterns of an electromagnetic field scattered by a flat two-element screen of finite thickness with periodically disposed rectangular apertures are investigated. Polarization of the reflected and transmitted waves for different parameters of an incident plane wave and screen geometry is analyzed. The possibility for a linearly polarized wave to transform into a circularly polarized one is shown.
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Грибовский А.В Преобразование поляризации электромагнитных волн на плоском двухэлементном экране конечной толщины с волноводными каналами прямоугольного сечения / А.В. Грибовский // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2005. — Т. 10, № 1. — С. 92-98.

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