Electromagnetic Wave Scattering by a Resonant Iris with the Slot Arbitrary Oriented in a Rectangular Waveguide
The problem of electromagnetic wave scattering by a resonant iris of finite thickness with the slot arbitrary oriented in the rectangular waveguide cross-sectional plane is solved. Approximate analytical expressions of the iris scattering matrix coefficients and resonance wavelengths are obtained which using yields the results coincident satisfactorily with those obtained numerically and experimentally. The influence of geometric parameters of the iris on its electrodynamic behavior within the rectangular waveguide fundamental wave is investigated.
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Нестеренко М.В. Рассеяние электромагнитных волн на резонансной диафрагме с произвольно ориентированной щелью в прямоугольном волноводе / М.В. Нестеренко // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2004. — Т. 9, № 3. — С. 274-286.

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